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Friday, May 30, 2014

It's funny how things change

It's really funny sometimes ya' know? I kind of started this thing for my close family to keep up with me. That way they wouldn't always be worrying 'bout me'n'such. But then as this has gone along I've kind of figured out that I enjoy writing it just for myself now. Then there are a few people who actually do read this and, though I didn't start this thing for y'all, I kind of like writing it for y'all too. So thanks to Abbey, Cole, Sonnie, and Anastacia! Appreciate it. I also do kind of just enjoy writing the blog for myself because I'm sure after all this I'll really like  Remembering all the people who've picked me up and all the adventures. It'll be good to look back on. But I just think it's really funny how I started this for some reasons, then threw those reasons out the window, and ended up doing it for other reasons.

Anyways, not too much has gone down I suppose. After we camped in the car we drove from Salt Lake City and all the way through Wyoming. That took forever. Then we drove through part of Nebraska to Sterling Colorado where we met up with Dassah. I met Dassah a couple years ago down in Austin. I instantly knew she was super chill. I'd forgotten she lived in Colorado, but I shot her a text and we were welcomed into her family home with open arms! We had the most epic hug I've had so far on this trip fully loaded with a running start and some twirling in the air. The rest of the night we just chilled and hung out. They made us an amazing dinner and were overly generous towards us. I can't thank them enough for welcoming me and Chip for the night!
While I was there Dassah asked me a question though. She's out of school right now. And Dassah is a free spirit. So she told me she wanted to go with me. Now if you're my friend you fall into one of two categories. Either I would hitch with you or I wouldn't hitch with you. Dassah is infinitely in the I would hitch with you category. And so of course I said yes!!!! So, she went up to Iowa with her family today. She is going to think hard on it for the next two days. Me and Chip were headed to Iowa anyways so if Dassah decides it's a go we will pick her up and I will have a partner in crime (hopefully not literally)! And I am super pumped for that. I hope so much she comes, because it takes a special person to do this. And I think she's that kind of person. Hope you come with me Dassah! See you again in a couple days regardless :)



P.S. I'm in Kansas
Dassah (she's not the dog)

Chalk Pyramid 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hey Soul Sister

Not a lot else of note happened in our travels after Multnomah falls other than one hugely crazy event. Most of the day was spent traveling and we made it through  the rest of Oregon (which was gorgeous), Idaho (also gorgeous), and into Utah where we stealth parked outside of Salt Lake City and slept in the car. More bonding and more good fun ya' know? Here's some photos from the road before I drop the bomb on ya' of what happened though.



Now, for the good part. I have been hanging out for a while (around 21 years). And that's a long time to go while having no clue about some things. So, let's pretend for a sec, what would you think if something came up that you probably should of known for the past 21 years and didn't? For instance, what if a long lost relative finally searched you out and found you on Facebook? And then it happened to be that you had ANOTHER FREAKIN' SISTER!!! Like what!?!?!? Seriously??? Boom, mind blown. My dad had another kid way back when, and I have an older sister. I have an older sister I never knew about until yesterday. Like holy crap. Never in a million years did I expect that. Not even a little bit. And it gets better too. Guess where she has been living for the past 9 years. Lubbock. And where do I go to school? Lubbock. Like what!?!? And she works at the rec center which I go to pretty often, so we must of seen each other at some point and just had no idea we were siblings. Talk about your mind being blown, 'cause my minds blown. And I am pumped. And I don't like to speculate on destinations while hitchhiking, but I will be back in Tejas before I go to Alaska to meet my sister. Welcome to the family sis!  

Being happy,


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Travels with a stranger

Chip and I woke up to a deserted beach. We were perched right behind a little sand dune so no one would see us, but apparently that wasn't necessary because we hadn't seen another soul. Despite the beautiful view we decided to get on our way and we packed out our stuff (well, my stuff) down to the car. We got down there and found a girl who'd camped in her van. I made friends with her while Chip did his bible study on a picnic table. Her name was Cécile (which I cannot pronounce) and she was from Belgium just driving around in an old van. She made me some coffee and was super nice.


But soon enough me and Chip were off again making our way up the beautiful Oregon coastline. 

Lighthouse & sea lions

And there is just something extremely inspiring about driving down a road with majestic views with someone you camped on the beach with last night but had just met the day before. Instant friends, like you've known 'em forever and y'all are singing together and laughing together and just having a good time. It's really cool. But we continue on the coast and make it to Kiwanda. Which is this INCREDIBLE place. Never knew this stuff existed in Oregon. But it's awesome! So beautiful. With the ocean, the huge sand dunes, and the rock formations. We spent hours exploring the whole place and could hardly bring ourselves to leave it. 



We left there awed and headed up the coast to Cannon Beach.

Saw the cool stuff there and then headed up to Astoria. It was getting late so we just drove through before went over into Washington to hit I5 and head back down to Portland where we hooked up with...? Take a guess.

Amanda! We stayed the night again with Amanda and Andrew. Had another amazing time and another great goodbye hug the next morning.

Amanda, Andrew, & I
Amanda and Andrew are just the chillest, coolest people ever. There was no hesitation in letting me and a stranger (kind of, not really) stay at their house. But they did! And so we left the next morning to go check out Multnomah falls. Which has an absolutely postcard perfect view of this huge waterfall with this cool old bridge. 

 Multnomah Falls

And this is where we sit! 'Bout to move on in our journey Eastward!! 

Fun times, be happy.



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hot sand on toes, cold sand in sleeping bags

Let's start out with this. Amanda is adventurous. Adventurous as f*#@. And so we woke up the other morning. And she was basically like "let's go on an adventure". Now y'all can imagine what that does for me. It's like when you yell squirrel to a dog and they jump up and get all excited and they're jumping at the door to get outside. That's basically what happened. And so we took off towards Crater Lake. Someplace I have always wanted to go and will never forget because it is BEAUtiful. We are on our merry way behind some nice cars when all of a sudden a cop comes out of nowhere and is right beside us pointing us out and telling us to pull over. He then  proceeds to pull over the other three cars in front of us as well. This was my first experience in a group ticket and I guess it was alright (every car got a speeding ticket because Oregon's speed limit is ridiculously low) and this is how we bonded with some Aussies, Frenchmen, and English fellows.

Group tickets 

A little less enthusiastically we kept going to Crater Lake only to have all our troubles completely washed out by pure and utter awesomeness. First we were just driving up with more snow than we expected. 


And the suspension was killing us. I was almost holding my breath around every bend. You know? Like you're almost afraid to see it. But then there it was. With Wizard Island peeking (I suppose peaking would work too) out from that gorgeously blue water. And it was just incredible, especially how blue that water was. A deep deep blue that just sucks your eyes in and you can't look away. Just beautiful with the snow still there and the sun shining. 

Crater Lake
So Amanda, Tug (Amanda's dog), and I went hiking around. 

Amanda & Tug

Amanda, Tug, and I
Now I got the bright idea in my head to start asking around for rides here. And this is how I met Chip. Chip is an awesomely kind and amazing guy from Indiana. He is on a two week vacation just driving around checking stuff out. Pretty awesome right? Well Amanda and I start talking to him and we are all friends real quick like. Then I drop tha bomb. I ask to go with and you see a confused look on his face. Like he has never thought of that idea or had anyone ask him this. And then he was like "yeah, it'd be great to have someone to travel with!" And damned if I didn't hitch a ride from Crater Lake to Indiana. We arrange to meet the next morning outside the lodge where Amanda would head her way and I mine (with Chip). 
Amanda & Tug
Amanda and I decided to sleep in her car that night and let me tell you what. With her and Tug in the backseat and me in both the front seats, just chillen' there in a sleeping bag talking with an old friend, it was one of the better nights of my life. Pretty high up there on list of nights. It was great. And then we woke up early the next morning, went up to the lodge where Chip was, and promptly fell asleep in front of a fire place until it was time for me to leave. One heart wrenching hug later I was off with Chip and Amanda was off to Portland. Now I am just tagging along on Chip's trip really. But he is so excited to have a travel partner and whatnot that we talk like we are the best of friends. It's like we have known each other forever and this is a regular old thing. He wanted to head up the Oregon coast and see the sand dunes and so that's what we did. We drove four hours and headed up the coast and onto the beach. 

Me and Chip (I dunno what my hand is doing)
Now Chip normally travels in style, but he was open to stuff. And we both unanimously decided we needn't leave this beach. So here we are, after sittin' all day on the beach, camping in the sand dunes. Chip is in my tent and I'm cowboying these dunes like I own 'em. Saw a great sunset and we'll be off and up the coast tomorrow! 

Going to find some stealth

And now I lay under the stars, with a man I met yesterday and whom is taking me more than halfway across the country, with waves crashing in the background, salty air in my lungs, and stars blazing their little hearts out, I can't  help but think... Isn't life pretty darn crazy?

Beeeeeee Happy!

Beacon ;) 

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I made it to Portland! It took all of 20 minutes after Joe dropped me off on the edge of Salem before Angela picked me up. Angela is a super nice girl, still 23 years young, and a hell of a driver. It seemed like I blew her mind a little telling her about my lifestyle and she was pretty surprised I was younger than she is. But that happens sometimes. We had a good time and she dropped me off in Portland, it was as simple as that.

Once in Portland I got to see some weirdness. I found my friend, whom I hadn't seen in 5 years (wow am I old), at her work. She wouldn't get off until 3:30 and it was like noon. So I wandered around in the drizzle and found the famous donut shop, Voodoo Doughnut, and the famous bookstore Powells. It was pretty cool. All the people were super chill. All in all it was a cool place so far. Soon Amanda was off work and we went back to her house where I got a real look at the public transit. Now let me tell you something, you always learn a lot about a city by its public transit and the people who ride it. If you're ever somewhere new and you want a feel for the city go on a public bus ride. And it's just funny to watch people who ride the bus. But it all worked out. We made it to Amandas place where I was promptly welcomed and I became like a part of the whole ecosystem of the house. I met her boyfriend Andrew and he is hilariously awesome. A super chill dude. Me and Amanda went and checked out the art museum because it was free that day and you can't pass up on anything free.  

While there Amanda said one of the truest things I've ever heard. Me and her have never really been big city people and she said "that's why cities suck, because there's no reason to, and really no excuse either, not live in a beautiful place" and that just hit me as the absolute truth.... After the art museum we just hung out all night at her house and had a great time. The next day was spent continuing to explore Portland and its public transit (which I really like). We checked out the Saturday market and I had lunch with Joe's (the guy I stayed with in Salem) twin brother Nick! Nick has traveled quite a bit and gave me some traveling tips on Africa which is like gold to me. And then we just continued chillen' at her house. And there is just something about being brought, non-awkwardly, into a group and made to feel like you belong there. It's an incredible feeling. 

Amanda & Andrew

Now I know this is kind of a boring post, but meh. The world can't be fireworks all the time. Since a lot of people have asked though, I will explain my detour. I originally thought I needed to be in Seattle on the 10th of June. But it has changed to the 29th of June.... It's only the 24th of May today. This means I have over a month to kill. I'm gonna begin what I want to call my freeroam of America. And I'm just gonna go wherever I want and do whatever I want. Which is kind of super exciting. Sooooooo things should start going down soon :)

Be happy!!! 


Friday, May 23, 2014

The Salem Hobo Trials

I got to wake up to an actual rooster crowing this morning. I swear he was a bit early, but I guess he knows what's up. Stretch was taking me back to Eugene early 'cause she started work on the farm at 7:30. So we were out by 5:30 and hugging our final beautifully tear jerking goodbye hugs at 6:15... Sadness. But it had to be! Goodbye stretch! And thank you so much for everything, I really did have an amazing time on the farm. Freakin' fantastic.


I already miss her.... But on I went. It being super early and all I sat at McD's (did I already write about this?) for an hour or so before I decided to venture out and start hitching to Salem. I walked across the highway to the gas station and, not knowing you can't pump your own gas in Oregon, asked the pump attendant if he was going North (ha!). Of course he was confused, I realized he worked there and awkwardly shuffled off past a minivan. The van promptly rolled down his window and asked where I was going. North on I5 I would say, and it was as simple as that to get to Salem. Andrew was an awesome kid. Super tall (I didn't realize that until we were out of the car) and really easy going. 
He dropped me off on the highway and a 3mile jaunt later I was at the capitol of Oregon. I explored that, sat in the governors chair, and wrote some post cards. Wandered over to an art museum. Found my way onto a college campus and ate at the cafeteria. Sat in the library pretending to be a student. Washed my socks in a stream and spread out in the sunshine for 4ish hours. Walked over to a park downtown to lay in the grass for another couple hours where a super nice Chinese lady gave me corn on the cob, a coke, and these two mysterious sandwiches. They had super sweet pancakes as buns and refried beans in the middle. It was kind of super amazing. Sooo good. 

Sock washing

Then I went and met Kaley and Joe at a bar. Let me tell you, Kaley and Joe are amazing people. I met them for five minutes on the BART in San Fran and they invited me to visit them here!! How sweet, and they are fun and young and exciting and hip and cool. Everything I wanna be in 5 years. I had the best sweet potato fries ever and a couple beers. We talked and laughed and became good friends. We traded travel tips and experiences and it was just a fantastic night. Thank you infinitely Kaley and Joe. Y'all are freakin' awesome. People like y'all are why I do what I do :)
Kaley and Joe (again) 

Also, so everyone knows, plans changed.  Real adventure is about to begin, because adventure can't be planned. 

Just be happy, 


Thursday, May 22, 2014


Well in Arcata I decided go stealthing after striking out on finding a place to sleep inside. I checked out my map and then headed off in the direction of a redwood forest. It was nearing the end of my daylight and when I entered the forest my body new exactly what to as I had done this a million times before while on trail. My legs hit hiking stride in a desperate attempt to get everything up before all the daylight was gone. It was a strange sort of deja vu. I was passing tree trunks as big as cars on my way away from civilization when I rounded the corner to find these two kids had set up camp here. Gaylord and Emma, from Portland, had also hitched down here and decided to stealth in this very same forest. It was just so surprising and so exciting at the same time! We chatted it up and then with the very last remains of twilight I tore out of there, scrambled up a hill, and pitched my camp. 

When I woke up from that beautiful night in the redwoods I found a huge banana slug outside my tent. I thanked my lucky stars that it hadn't slimed on my tent and I took off to start hitching (passing Gaylord and Emma on the way out). I walked a couple miles to the nearest North onramp and threw out my thumb with some liveliness. I had to turn down two short rides before Ocean picked me up and gave me a ride to a better hitching spot.


Again it didn't take long for Katy to pick me up either. 


She kind of dropped me in the middle of nowhere so I went to explore the beach before going to the freeway to hitch North. 

Sand monies
It took a little while to get Ted to stop for me. Funny deal, he stopped waaaaay past me and reversed for what seemed like forever to get back to me. He was on his way to go diving and took me up to the next small town with a promise that if I was still there when he was done he would take me with him up to Crescent City. 

I was literally there for 3 cars when a car did some stutter stepping and I knew there was an internal debate in the car. They stopped after all and I hurried over. I was excited about the Oregon plates, but surprised to find a rental car with an older couple and a kid about my age. This was Liz, Steve, and Josh. Apparently they had seen me hitching earlier (I was just doing funny stuff on the side of the road) and they had thought to themselves "we should get him". Then, thanks to Teds quick driving I ended up in front of them again and they recognized my Beacon shirt! And that was it! They were going all the way to Portland and didn't mind dropping me off in Eugene!! They were some of the coolest people ever and we became great friends (they drove me about 300 miles). Liz became all motherly over me and it was just fun!

Steve & Liz
They dropped me off at a McD's in Eugene where Stretch (an awesome chick I met on trail) came and got me from. Now let me tell you, there are some things in this world that are irreplaceable. And the best thing of all, like the very very best thing ever, is that first hug with a good friend that you haven't seen in forever. This was that case, as it was with Obie down in San Fran. Those hugs = pure incredibleness. It was so good seeing Stretch, doing all the trail talk and everything. Plus I was going to hang out with her for a day or so! She is working on this farm that she took me back to that night. 

The farm
She took me back that night, I met all the people she worked with, and she fed me tons of food because she knows what's up. It was late and we hit the hay pretty early 'cause we were both tired. 

My couch
Next morning we were up early and I decided to help out with all the farm stuffs. I've never worked on a farm before and all this was pretty awesome. It was super fun, the place was beautiful, and there is just something magical about getting dirty all day long. 
Still the farm
So we worked all day, talked, and caught up. Had some laughs and a good time. It was kind of super freakin' amazing. I wish I could explain it more, but it is beyond words. It was a fantabulous day and I loved it. 
It's dirt'o'clock
Oh, and check out my hoes.

My hoes (another bad joke)
The next morning Stretch and I woke early and she dropped me off at the same McD's that she picked me up at. After heartfelt hugs goodbye she was off to the farm, and me to the North.


Yay for today!

Be happy,


Monday, May 19, 2014

I am my own Northern star

I would just like to say a big thank you to Obie for helping me out so much in my time down South. You my girl ;)

Obie & I 
Today I started hitchhiking from Napa where I had a wonderful night with old and new friends. I met Anna that fateful night, and she kindly offered to take me with her to Santa Rosa. And just like that I was off again! We drove through the beautiful countryside with tons of sheep and those perfectly black and white cows. She even took me past the city quite a few miles to drop me off in a great spot!

Big Steve was the next to pick me up. Was on his way to win it big at the penny slots. 

Big Steve
Curtis was soon after.

Through some more meanderingly whimsical scenery I ended up in a small town where Gina picked me up! 

A true hippie if I ever met one. She was kind enough to drive me over to the far side of the next town where I strung together my next few rides. Now there will be no pics or name telling BECAUSE I learned something today. Basically, Northern California just grows pot. Like really, that's all anyone does up there. Kind of hilarious, and they're big timers too. Making some serious monies. And Eureka!!! No, literally. I ended up in Eureka. I was told this was a tweaker town though, and after meeting a few I was more than convinced. Ready to high tail it out of there I decided to wait for the public bus (a mere $3 to the next town of Arcata), but while I waited I kept my thumb out of course. And a cute little slug bug pulls over with Holly in it! She was on her way to circus camp and gave me some good pointers for my juggling career. 

And that's how I ended up in Arcata. Also, check out my cock. 
(I know that joke was in bad taste)

Stay happy,

Beacon Bell