Larry gave me a ride down the road where I ended up stuck in a McD's until two because of a thunderstorm. There went the days productivity, but Elma (an employee there) got off work at two and took me down South a ways.
I was dropped at a nowhere exit and just sitting there frustrated with Florida when I got a facebook notification. Long story short, Thunderfoot lived one exit down! I tell you what, social networking can be used for good. It's not just for pictures of what you're having for lunch (because no one really cares), who knew? It's kind of incredible how he found me like that. So he was gonna come pick me up after he got off work and I was just laying on my pack with my thumb out sarcastically, not even trying, when Mike picked me up!
So I was just gonna go down the one exit to chill with Thunderfoot, but Mike was going 50 miles down the road and it was still kind of early. I decided to continue hitching (bad choice), and he dropped me at a great spot. In 5 minutes Jonathan picked me up on his way back from a job interview.
Now a lot of people look down on what I do. But then there are the people who love it! Jonathan had never picked up a hitchhiker before (I take a lot of hitching virginities) and when he dropped me off told me it made his whole day. I love that sort of stuff. I'm glad I'm able to make some days and find some friends even when I'm out bumming around. Next was Joe who dropped me at an alright spot.
All was fine except for the surprise thunderstorm that ended me back in McD's (that place is freakin' universal). I was chillen' there until basically dark just askin' for rides when I decided I should head back to Thunderfoot's if I could (because I'm more likely to get a ride if I'm headed North AND South at the same time). He was only an hour North and it would be great to see him. Turns out though, he had some friends headed North! While I was waiting for them to get to me an amazing rainbow came out and there was the most amazing lightning I had ever seen streaking across it. It was just incredible and beautiful and it just put me at ease because life is awesome.
Ashely and Kevin scooped me up and took me straight to Thunderfoot!
A super nice couple! Loved meeting them and wish I could get to know 'em better. Now before we move on, I gotta tell you about Thunderfoot. The way I talk about him right now makes it seem like we have been friends forever. But I really only met him once or twice before. We have the incredible automatic bond of trail though. The one time I remember meeting him was when I was hitching back from Trail Days (a festival) in Virginia last year. I'd networked a ride and we were driving along when we saw Thunderfoot on the side of the road. I was like "hey! I know that guy! Let's pick him up!". And so, while hitching, I picked up Thunderfoot while he was hitching back to trail. But he is just the nicest guy ever. Taller than I am with a better beard, but kinder than anyone. Hanging out with him was a blast.
So I spent the night at his and, decidedly fed up with Florida hitching, he dropped me off at a Megabus stop in Orlando. $10 later I'm on my way to Miami. Thanks for everything Thunderfoot! Hope to see you again soon man, you're the bomb.
Be happy,
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