As soon as we got on the train I understood why it cost so much (still wasn't that expensive), this train was legit. First off, the view for the whole ride was incredible. Second, they fed us some amazing somethings or others. And thirdly, they put on a fashion show. That's right, a fashion show. Right down the center aisle. And then, in between our staff showing off reversible coats, there was a guy dressed up as a clown thing dancing around and taking all the ladies for a spin. And, through my encouraging, Stumbles was one of the lucky ladies ;)
Stumbles goin' for a spin
It was a damn cool train ride, absolutely worth the money and experience at least to go one way. Once we made it back to Cusco we found a room easily enough, bought a couple bottles of wine, and then we drank in honor of Stumbles birthday!!! Happy birthday Stumbles, that was a damn good day. Hiking that mountain in the shitting rain with you. First, seeing the wonder of Machu Picchu with you beside me as the clouds hovering in and out of the surrounding mountains, ghosting over the ruins. Drinking, chilling, and drinking some more. I'm happy I got to spend that birthday with you. Hell yeah. Happy Birthday Stumbles.
And then we were in Huaraz, dropping our packs at a hostel and loading into a van up to some random day hike at 5000 meters (if you don't know, that's REALLY HIGH... 15,000 feet). It was the highest I've ever been. Lemme' put it into perspective a lil' bit though, we were half way to high fiving an airplane. Also, I pretty much got an instasunburn from it too. Yay for being white (<== sarcasm). So anyways, we take this long bus ride up into the mountains and down (literally up though) this long dirt road to we don't even know what. We didn't know what we were going to see, but it sounded cool. When we finally got to the hiking part we all took about 2 or 3 steps before we were big bad wolfing it (huffing and puffing that is) like we'd just run 10 miles uphill. I was considering the 15 sols (5 bucks) it cost to take a horse up, but we struggled it ourselves. Flip was hating the altitude, and I can't blame him for that. We didn'y even know what we were going through this effort for! Until we rolled over that last little hill and all our complaining about the altitude stopped.
It was a glacier and its accompanying lake. Breathtakingly gorgeous. It was just beautiful. Other than that there's not much to say about it. Except that Stumbles and I fell into the glacial lake trying to get off an iceberg!
After our quick dip we were quickly rewarded by a nice man with a couple shots o' whisky to warm us up ;)
Woo! Go us! Then it was back to Huaraz for a night in an awesome restaurant/library. Yeah, that's right it was a restaurant with books and stuff. Über cool if I do say so myself.
We put our exhausted selves to bed knowing the next day held the really cool stuff. Lago sesenta nueve (excuse my Spanish).
Another early bus ride up a long and winding dirt road (we did see a squinny (dunno' what it actually was, but it looked like a bunny and a squirrel had gotten it on at some point)) before seeing the first of the glacial lakes. Everyone in the bus was cooing at that first lake, entranced by the purity in that glacial blue.
Hike time! It was only like a 6km hike up or something, but at nearly 14,000 feet by the end of it (double instasunburnt). One hundred thousand times worth it. The hike was gorgeous. Absolutely out of a story book.
Plus I was hiking with Stumbles and Flip. Just like the good ol' days. Like, I can't explain how hiking with them again makes me feel. True enough to say 'elated' can't hardly touch it, words'll never be enough. Just like words and pictures will never be enough to make you feel what we found at the top.
Because it was unreal.
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