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Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I woke in Limerick. I was in my tent in some not so stealthy spot, but all my time homeless must be making me complacent. I got a really early start, crawling out of my tent around 10am haha and walking towards out of town to a petrol station. 

I grabbed some coffee, asked the first girl I saw for a ride out of town and got my first ride of the day from  Brona (I won't even pretend I can spell Irish names). Who started my day out fantastically! So positive about everything and she took me on a small tour before dropping me off outside of town. William gave me the next ride and gave me a tour of his home town down the rode away where I got picked up by Brenden then Madigan. Next Anne collected me and gave me a tour of a ton of little towns as well as the ferry terminal and dropped me for Johnny. Soon some guy with a really Irish name got me, followed by Gerd, and finally Aye landing me in Dingle Ireland.

9 rides if I can count, a little less or more if I can't. I'd say the day was a success! I met up with a friend of a friend here in Dingle and if I could explain the connection we have together as people now it'd be grand, but I don't think I could. I'm staying at his tonight and it's been incredible this whole time. Seriously, if people only knew what this was like I think the world could change.

Now, I think, is the time to address this blog for the current adventure. If you haven't noticed my lackluster writing notice it now and take note! Take note that it is because I am living. I'm living my life, and I'm enjoying it greatly. Seriously though, I'm here to live my life, not to write it. Though I want to encourage people to pursue this lifestyle I don't want to drag on and on about myself amd writing seems to take away from the adventure to me. I'm not quite sure how to balance that out though... Maybe, in time, I'll write a book on it and this blog'll be an incredible reference. But until then its purpose is to motovate. It's purpose is to inspire. It's purpose is to be a beacon in the dark to those to wish for more ;).... And one day I'll care enough to write well about it all haha! 

Everyone be happy and come to Ireland,

Beacon Bell

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