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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hey Soul Sister

Not a lot else of note happened in our travels after Multnomah falls other than one hugely crazy event. Most of the day was spent traveling and we made it through  the rest of Oregon (which was gorgeous), Idaho (also gorgeous), and into Utah where we stealth parked outside of Salt Lake City and slept in the car. More bonding and more good fun ya' know? Here's some photos from the road before I drop the bomb on ya' of what happened though.



Now, for the good part. I have been hanging out for a while (around 21 years). And that's a long time to go while having no clue about some things. So, let's pretend for a sec, what would you think if something came up that you probably should of known for the past 21 years and didn't? For instance, what if a long lost relative finally searched you out and found you on Facebook? And then it happened to be that you had ANOTHER FREAKIN' SISTER!!! Like what!?!?!? Seriously??? Boom, mind blown. My dad had another kid way back when, and I have an older sister. I have an older sister I never knew about until yesterday. Like holy crap. Never in a million years did I expect that. Not even a little bit. And it gets better too. Guess where she has been living for the past 9 years. Lubbock. And where do I go to school? Lubbock. Like what!?!? And she works at the rec center which I go to pretty often, so we must of seen each other at some point and just had no idea we were siblings. Talk about your mind being blown, 'cause my minds blown. And I am pumped. And I don't like to speculate on destinations while hitchhiking, but I will be back in Tejas before I go to Alaska to meet my sister. Welcome to the family sis!  

Being happy,


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