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Friday, May 23, 2014

The Salem Hobo Trials

I got to wake up to an actual rooster crowing this morning. I swear he was a bit early, but I guess he knows what's up. Stretch was taking me back to Eugene early 'cause she started work on the farm at 7:30. So we were out by 5:30 and hugging our final beautifully tear jerking goodbye hugs at 6:15... Sadness. But it had to be! Goodbye stretch! And thank you so much for everything, I really did have an amazing time on the farm. Freakin' fantastic.


I already miss her.... But on I went. It being super early and all I sat at McD's (did I already write about this?) for an hour or so before I decided to venture out and start hitching to Salem. I walked across the highway to the gas station and, not knowing you can't pump your own gas in Oregon, asked the pump attendant if he was going North (ha!). Of course he was confused, I realized he worked there and awkwardly shuffled off past a minivan. The van promptly rolled down his window and asked where I was going. North on I5 I would say, and it was as simple as that to get to Salem. Andrew was an awesome kid. Super tall (I didn't realize that until we were out of the car) and really easy going. 
He dropped me off on the highway and a 3mile jaunt later I was at the capitol of Oregon. I explored that, sat in the governors chair, and wrote some post cards. Wandered over to an art museum. Found my way onto a college campus and ate at the cafeteria. Sat in the library pretending to be a student. Washed my socks in a stream and spread out in the sunshine for 4ish hours. Walked over to a park downtown to lay in the grass for another couple hours where a super nice Chinese lady gave me corn on the cob, a coke, and these two mysterious sandwiches. They had super sweet pancakes as buns and refried beans in the middle. It was kind of super amazing. Sooo good. 

Sock washing

Then I went and met Kaley and Joe at a bar. Let me tell you, Kaley and Joe are amazing people. I met them for five minutes on the BART in San Fran and they invited me to visit them here!! How sweet, and they are fun and young and exciting and hip and cool. Everything I wanna be in 5 years. I had the best sweet potato fries ever and a couple beers. We talked and laughed and became good friends. We traded travel tips and experiences and it was just a fantastic night. Thank you infinitely Kaley and Joe. Y'all are freakin' awesome. People like y'all are why I do what I do :)
Kaley and Joe (again) 

Also, so everyone knows, plans changed.  Real adventure is about to begin, because adventure can't be planned. 

Just be happy, 


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